The first visit we made to Fuerteventura was about a year after we got together as a couple. It was February 2009 and we were looking for somewhere warm(ish) to holiday and the Canaries seemed to fit the bill. We decided on Fuerteventura as neither of us had been before and it looked nice in the pictures. The price was reasonable too.

Cloudy Corralejo Feb 2009
Just 7 days at the Alisios Playa in Corralejo and we both fell for Fuerte and decided we’d have to holiday there again.
A couple of visits later in 2011 I thought, as I’m sure lots of tourists do, that it would be great to live on the island and started to think about how we could achieve this. I started looking at businesses and renting a place to live but it was a pipe dream and it never happened but we were hooked.
More to follow soon…